Buchla 190 Dual Reverberation
The La67 190 Revererator BOM calls for the Accutronics A4B3C1A "long" reverb tanks. The BOM for Roman's 275r called for the Accutronics 1AB2A1B "medium" tanks. Just for fun, I tried the 190 using both the "long" and "medium" tanks. After the tests. I replaced the tanks for my 275r with the "long" ones.
Here is a pair of sound clips comparing the 190 with 2 different sized reverb tanks, using only 100 series modules:
Sound Sample with A4B3C1A "long" tanks.
Sound Sample with 1AB2A1B "medium" tanks.
And here is another pair of sound clips comparing the 190 with 2 different sized reverb tanks, using some 200 series modules as well:
Sound Sample with A4B3C1A "long" tanks.
Sound Sample with 1AB2A1B "medium" tanks.