These are large video files - they may take a while to start streaming or download

Electronicafest 2024

This is my performance for the "N.E.M. Electronicafest 2024".
Click on the picture for the MPG video - video was edited by Paul Artola. The sound was taken off the mixing board.

The festival was hosted by the System Source Computer Museum in Hunt Valley, Maryland.

Electronicafest 2023

This is my performance for the "N.E.M. Electronicafest 2023".
Click on the picture for the MPG video - I resized it from 3840 by 2160 to 1920 by 1080, with sound from a pair of microphones for stereo.

The festival was hosted by the System Source Computer Museum in Hunt Valley, Maryland.

Electronicafest 2022 Rehearsal

This is a rehearsal for a piece for the "N.E.M. Electronicafest 2022".
Click on the picture for the MPG video - I resized it from 3840 by 2160 to 1920 by 1080, with sound from a pair of microphones for stereo. The studio sound system was 4 channel quad, so the front-to-back aspect is missing.

The small wooden box I'm carrying around in the middle part of the video is a MFOS Weird Sound Generator with a built in speaker. I'm using it as a roving sound source - works nicely with everything else in quad.

The performance at the museum was in quad (I took my rear channel amp & speakers for the rear, and Emory's PA for the front). I should have taken my camera!

The festival was hosted by the System Source Computer Museum in Hunt Valley, Maryland.

Electronicafest 2020 Rehearsal

I broke down and got a proper video camera - a Cannon Vixia HFG50. This was my first test with it - a rehearsal for a piece for the "N.E.M. virus apocalypse and the phantom year".
Click on the picture for the AVI video. It's sampled down from the original 3840 x 2160 mpeg and there's a bit of aliasing, but it's a lot smaller than the original which is 17 Gigabytes (ouch).

Here is just the sound file (mp3) from the video. The sound quality is not brilliant using the built in microphone, sorely lacking in the bass. I will use a better microphone for acoustic instruments, and go direct for everything else from now on.

Below are some older mp3 files:

Kling un Klang Rehrsal for the 2019 N.E.M. Electronicafest. All using my newly built Buchla 100 clones.

Buchla Forbidden tribute to Bebe and Louis Barron. Rehersal for the 2018 N.E.M. Electronicafest. Buchla 200 clones.

Buchla Animals Rehersal for the 2017 N.E.M. Electronicafest. One of my favorites - I fell in love with Buchla modules when I discovered the organic sounds you can get with them. This piece is the result of a failed attempt to get good fart sounds. Buchla 200 clones.

Dark Ambient done entirely with the big MU system, Dec. 2016

Untitled live recording at the 2016 N.E.M. Electronicafest. Buchla 200 clones. Recorded by Emory Stagmer with wide bandwidth mics, played through a Yamaha PA with sub-woofer. Caution: LOUD

Pictures from the 2016 N.E.M. Electronicafest can be seen here

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